Understand your needs. First, you must think about your purpose for getting a credit card. How do you plan to use that credit card? Do you plan to use it regularly or only for large purchases? What kind of expenses would you use your credit card the most? Will it be on groceries, clothing, travel or refueling? After getting to know your true purpose, then you’re ready to take the next step.
Explore your options. The internet is a great tool for exploring your options. Use credit card review websites to make this task easier. Here, credit cards have been arranged according to categories so it’s easier to find the type of reward credit card you need. For example, if you need a credit card with gas rewards, then you can simply look for the right category.
Check out the features. Some reward credit cards may offer a lower APR or an introductory rate but the rewards are lower. On the other hand, some credit cards may offer more attractive rewards but with a higher APR and annual fees. It’s important to take a look at each aspect before comparing credit cards.
Don’t forget to check the credit requirement of the credit card issuer. Take note that most reward credit cards only accept applicants with good to excellent credit rating. If you have an average credit score, you should make sure that your prospective choice will not decline your application because of insufficient credit.
Narrow down your choices. List down your three best picks so you can compare each one more closely. When comparing credit cards, do not just take a look at one aspect such as the interest rate or the rewards offered. Instead, consider all features and costs associated with each card.
Read the fine print. To compare more accurately, you will need to spend extra time and effort reading the complete Terms and Conditions. This way, you can better understand how the interest rate is calculated, the rules on how to earn and claim rewards, the exact costs, etc.
Plan your strategy. After doing careful comparison, you may have come up with your reward credit card choice. The next important step is to plan your strategy. How will you use your credit card in order to maximize your potential to earn rewards? Will you be able to maintain the account without breaking your budget? Do the rules of the reward program complement your lifestyle?
related rewards: Gas Rewards Credit Cards